Thursday, July 9, 2009

Beijing Big Shots

Good evening, friends. I have good news and bad news. First off, a very happy birthday to my sister! Happy 22nd birthday! Love you, Muriel! Now for the bad news. Facebook has been officially blocked in China. I'm not sure how long it will stay blocked, but for the time being, I'll be rather hard to get a hold of. Now that that's over with I'll begin. It's been a busy few days here in China's capital. I began the week with a startling email from my dad regarding last month's phone bill... Sorry about that, Dad! Anyway as a result, I decided to pick myself up a Chinese cell phone and SIM card. So, now I can call people locally without racking up a bill back home, hopefully call internationally using a calling card, and (most imortantly) I can text in Chinese. But let's face it, the real reason why I have two cell phones is because I'm just THAT important. Besides, I'll need the two cell phones for when I'm a famous Chinese movie star... Which will be soon. That's right, earlier this week I was approached by a casting director to be in a movie staring none other than Jackie Chan. Now before I let you go on believing I'm about to embark on some celebrity star Lindsey Lohan life, I have to let you know I'll just be an extra in the background. Apparently, the casting director needs a lot of white people to be doing things in the background for certain scenes set in Beijing. Although that means no fame for me, I'll still get to meet Jackie Chan so I'm satisfied. Who knows? Rubbing shoulders with the big shots of Beijing might just give me the break I need... An American dream, a Chinese reality... Stranger things have happened.


  1. Not to worry about the phone bill, I don't like eating all that much and can use to lose a few pounds. You have got to invite Jackie Chan home to Florida...I need to meet him too!I suppose FB blocking is so word won't get out about the troubles in the Western part of China. The troops have taken over the cities, so be glad you're in the Capitol. Miss you.

  2. Nooooooo I cannot be without facebook chatting with you!!! :(
    I'm going to write you emails from now on.

    And you WOULD be the person who actually meets Jackie Chan when he goes to china. We will meet aishwarya when we go to india. I am fully confident!

  3. I can't believe you're meeting Jackie Chan. Haha. Being white finally paid off!

    Miss you, darling!

  4. Please get Jackie Chan's autograph for your cousin Brian in Boston. He thinks he's Jet Liwo (lol) belt for him is junior black. He does small circle jujistu. Hope FB is back soon. Love reading your stuff.
